내가 읽은 책들
내가 읽은 책들.
요약 및 정리
과학, 공학, 기술
- 경험 기계: 마음은 어떻게 현실을 예측하고 조각하는가
- 확장된 마음
- 뇌과학의 함정
- 변화는 어떻게 일어나는가
- 나의 삶은 서서히 진화해왔다
- 이것이 생물학이다
- 수학 학습 지도 원리와 방법
- Change: How to make big things happen
철학, 윤리
- 제한주의: 극단적 부에 반대하기
- 공리주의: 짧은 소개
- 마르크스: 짧은 소개
- 육식의 성정치
- 우리는 왜 개는 사랑하고, 돼지는 먹고, 소는 신을까
- 동물의 권리, 인간의 잘못: 도덕철학 입문
- 동물학대 이해하기: 사회학적 분석
- 비건 세상 만들기
- 동물 해방
- 아주 친밀한 폭력
예전 기록
예전 기록을 임시로 옮겨 놓았음. 정리 필요. ToDo
- 2024 수산물품질관리사 1차 한권으로 끝내기
- 2022 수산일반-경영 한권으로 끝내기
- 무역 공부는 난생 처음입니다만
- Learning Java
- Proper Human Diet: guidebook
- Because of Winn-Dixie
- A long walk to water
- Holes (novel)
- Wonder (novel)
- Tidy first? A personal exercise in empirical software design
- A single shard
- The Giver
- The wonderful wizard of Oz
- Charlotte’s web
- The one and only Ivan
- Number the stars
- Chicken soup for the woman’s soul
- 노동법 상당해 드립니다
- If I had your face: A novel
- 내 문장이 그렇게 이상한가요
- 말 놓을 용기
- 먹는 장사에 실패란 없다
- 공부하는 식당만이 살아남는다
- Programmers brain
- Aspect-oriented software development
- The Communist Manifesto
- 도요타 벤치마킹
- Working effectively with legacy code
- The C programming language
- The development of the C language
- Extreme programming explained 2nd ed.
- Visual interface design
- Joel on software
- Pragmetic project automation
- Consilience: The unity of knowledge
- Whoever fights monsters
- Inner vision
- 카스테라
- The birth of the mind
- 인간의 그늘에서
- Pragmatic Ajax
- The two cultures
- Million dollar habits
- Nexus
- Sync
- Liars, lovers, and heroes
- 시식시종
- Project retrospectives
- 협상의 심리학
- 협상의 비법
- 유시민의 경제학 카페
- The goal
- It’s not luck
- 마광수 살리기
- Flawless consulting
- Introducing patterns into organizations
- 악령이 출몰하는 세상
- Dawkins vs. Gould
- 지식경영 이렇게 하라
- 삼미슈퍼스타즈의 마지막 팬클럽
- Organizational patterns
- 상황윤리
- Lean software development
- UML distilled
- UML for Java programmers
- 겅호
- The godfather
- Who moved my cheese
- The present
- High five
- Agile management for software engineering
- The deadline
- Test-driven development: by example
- 영혼이 있는 승부
- Fish sticks
- The 80/20 principle
- 난장이가 쏘아올린 작은 공
- 월화에 일을 끝내라
- 모리와 함께 한 화요일
- 포커 알면 이길 수 있다
- Fish tales
- 프로페셔널의 조건
- 협상 테이블의 핵심 전략
- 연봉 10억 만들기
- 삼성과 싸워 이기는 전략
- 연애 소설 읽는 노인
- Apache: The definitive guide
- Database programming with JDBC and Java
- Java Servlet programming
- 성공한 기업 회의는 이렇게 다르다
- 회의 준비 30분 만에 끝내자
- 인사 관리
- MySQL reference manual
- Professional Apache Tomcat
- Negotiation and conflict resolution
- Emergence
- 매너 에센스
- 커뮤니케이션의 핵심 전략
- 폰더씨의 위대한 하루
- The origins of virtue
- Not in our genes
- Why we get sick
- On the origin of species
- 하이브리드 세상 읽기
- Stiff
- 화성에서 온 남자, 금성에서 온 여자
- Programming Jakarta Struts
- 도박의 심리
- The art of deception
- 연금술사
- Mastering regular expression
- 보라빛 소가 온다
- Pragmatic version control
- 다빈치 코드
- Brave new world
- The secrets of consulting
- 군주론
- The large, the small, and the human mind
- The blind watchmaker
- The language instinct
- 11분
- The elegant universe
- The blank slate
- The mismeasure of man
- The mating mind
- Nature via nurture
- Neuroscience for rehabilitation professionals
- The extended phenotype
- The man who mistook his wife for a hat
- Influence: Science and practice
- Wonderful life
- 나는 역사의 진리를 보았다
- What is history
- 그러나 나는 살아가리라
- 초보자를 위한 불교
- 통찰의 체험
- 부처님이 들려주신 효 이야기
- 회상
- 갈대는 배후가 없다
- Genome
- 다시 보는 민족 과학 이야기
- The moral animal
- Why we do it: Rethinking sex and the selfish gene
- An introduction to formal language and automata
- Good to great
- Agile software development
- Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns
- 학문의 즐거움
- One page proposal
- Getting things done
- 생명이란 무엇인가
- The amazing brain
- Getting everything done and still have time to play
- Planning extreme programming
- The origins of pattern theory
- Extreme programming explained (재독)
- Software craftmanship
- Object-oriented programming with ActionScript
- ActionScript for FlashMx: The definitive guide
- Peopleware
- 공부혁명
- 포토리딩
- 초간 노자
- The emperors new mind
- 훈민정음 해례본
- The mind’s I
- 은하영웅전설 1-8권
- 거꾸로 읽는 세계사
- 펄떡이는 물고기처럼
- The Max strategy
- 일반인을 위한 파인만의 QED 강의
- The humane interface
- 한국의 이공계는 글쓰기가 두렵다
- Full house: The spread of excellence from Plato to Darwin
- 3일만에 읽는 수학의 원리
- The selfish gene (재독)
- 백범일지
- The design of everyday things
- 횡재
- 장미의 이름
- 나무
- publications/On human nature
- 1984
- 알짜 레드햇 5
- SF로 광고도 만드나요
- Professional software development
- Python Tutorial
- 잠자리 눈으로 생각하기, 글쓰기, 말하기
- Lessons learned in software testing
- 나는 이런 책을 읽어왔다
- 날다 타조
- 괴물
- Six thinking hats
- 딱 5일만에 끝내는 문장 향상 트레이닝
- 벽오금학도
- Positioning: The battle for your mind
- 마케팅 불변의 법칙
- 내 잠속에 비 내리는데
- Managing in the next society
- 메모의 기술
- 칭찬은 고래도 춤추게 한다
- The evolution of useful things
- 그리움도 화석이 된다
- The little prince
- The wiki way
- 아침형 인간
- 괴델의 정리
- Programming for Java Virtual Machine
- 목민심서
- 수학 학습 지도 원리와 방법
- 목마와 숙녀
- The structure of scientific revolutions
언제 읽었는지 모름
- The back of the napkin: solving problems and selling ideas with pictures
- The problems of philosophy
- Comeuppance: Costly signaling, altruistic punishment, and other biological components of fiction
- Code: and other laws of cyberspace
- Code: and other laws of cyberspace, version 2.0
- Clean code: a handbook of agile software craftmanship
- Free: the future of a radical price
- Spent: sex, evolution, and consumer behavior
- Predictabily irrational
- How we decide
- Freud and beyond: a history of modern psychoanalytic thoughts
- A project guide to UX design
- Neuro web design: what makes them click?
- A thin book of appreciative inquiry
- Evolutionary thought in psychology: a brief history
- The science of addiction
- Viral loop
- Why women have sex
- Web analytics 2.0
- How to measure anything
- Emotional design (book)
- In search of memory: the emergence of a new science of mind
- The design of future things
- The vision revolution
- Designing with the mind in mind
- Thinking in systems: a primer
- Limits to growth: the 30-year update
- Gut feelings: the intelligence of the unconscious
- The adapted mind
- How the mind works
- Desining the moment
- 101 things I learned in Film school
- 101 things I learned in Business school
- 101 things I learned in Architecture school
- The art of game design
- The art of the start
- Reality check
- Harnessed: how language and music mimicked nature and transformed ape to man
- Steve Jobs
- REST in practice: hypermedia and systems architecture
- RESTful Web Services
- RESTful Web Sercices Cookbook
- Math, better explained
- Grand Theft Childhood
- Guns, germs, and steel
- Information visualization: Perception for design
- Living with complexity
- Beautiful visualization: looking at data through the eyes of experts
- The literary mind: the origins of thought and language
- Adaptive thinking: rationality in the real world
- Addiction by design
- Linked: the new science of networks
- Lean marketing for startups
- One click: Jeff Bezos and the rise of amazon.com
- Web form design
- The REST API design handbook
- Theory of fun for game design
- The lean startup
- Sketching User Experiences: the workbook
- Sketching User Experiences
- Universal principles of design (updated)
- Design for hackers
- The non-designer’s design book
- Responsive web design with HTML5 and CSS3
- Web analytics: An hour a day
- Scalable and modular architecture for CSS
- Robin Williams Design Workshop, 2nd ed.
- Building web applications with SVG
- The functional art
- Advanced web metrics with Google Analytics
- Lean UX: applying lean principles to improve user experience
- Agile experience design
- Content everywhere: strategy and structure for future-ready content
- Microinteractions: designing with details
- Spreadable media
- Avogadro corp
- No two alike: human nature and human individuality
- Ten steps to complex learning
- The invisible computer
- Nudge: Improving decisions about health, wealth, and happiness
- Python and HDF5: Unlocking scientific data
- Bandit algorithms for website optimization
- Business model generation
- Information architecture for the World Wide Web
- Software abstractions: logic, language, and analysis
- Don’t make me think
- Design rules for free-to-play games
- Free-to-play: Making money from games you give away
- Google Analytics: understanding visitor behavior
- Flask Web Development: Developing web applications with Python
- The mythical man-month
- UNIX and Linux system administration handbook
- A/B testing: The most powerful way to turn clicks into customers
- Business model you
- User story mapping
- Learning processing
- The one world schoolhouse: education reimagined
- Learn you a Haskell for great good
- Making and breaking the grid
- Thinking with type
- Remote: office not required
- Typography for lawyers
- Nginx HTTP Server 2nd ed.
- Zero to one
- The docker book
- ZeroMQ: Messaging for many applications
- Financial intelligence, revised ed.
- What money can’t buy
- Game development with Three.js
- Learning Spark: lightening-fast big data analysis
- Call centers for dummies
- Practical font design, 3rd ed.
- The anatomy of type
- The grammar of graphics
- Creating symmetry
- Elasticsearch: The definitive guide
- SVG tesellation
- The Martian: A novel
- Fluent Python
- Making space: how the brain knows where things are
- New ideas from dead economists
- Who’s afraid of Charles Darwin?
- We should all be feminists
- A room of one’s own
- Paying for it
- Bigger leaner stronger
- From Eve to evolution: Darwin, science, and women’s rights in gilded age America
- Evolution’s rainbow: Diversity, gender, and sexuality in nature and people
- When is discrimination wrong?
- Bad feminist
- A vindication of the rights of woman
- The subjection of women
- The expanding circle
- Feminism is for everybody
- The elements of journalism, 3rd ed.
- Feminist theory: from margin to center
- European feminisms, 1700-1950: a political history
- The age of scientific sexism
- The evolution of desire: strategies of human mating
- The dangerous passion
- Female erasure
- Delusions of gender: the real science behind sex differences
- Mrs. dalloway
- The most good you can do
- The woman that never evolved
- Fundementals of critical argumentation
- Practical Vim
- 거울 앞에서 너무 많은 시간을 보냈다
- Pro Git
- Cloud native infrastructure
- Design and feminism
- Weapons of math destruction
- Nonviolent communication: A language of life
- Learning SPARQL
- How not to die
- The truthful art
- We were feminists once
- The animal activist’s handbook
- Guilt, shame, and anxiety: understanding and overcoming negative emotions
- The life you can save
- Refactoring: improving the design of existing code
- Refactoring: improving the design of existing code, 2nd ed.
- Mental models: aligning design strategy with human behavior
- The ecological approach to visual perception
- Design patterns: Elements of reusable object-oriented software
- Animal rights: The abolitionist approach
- A guide to vegan nutrition
- Self-care for activists
- Lifespan: why we age and why we don’t have to
- Flow: The psychology of optimal experience
- Extra bold: a feminist, inclusive, anti-racist, nonbinary field guide for graphic designers
- Human-centered AI
- The experience machine: How our minds predict and shape reality
- Persuasive technology: Using computers to change what we think and do
- Nudge: the final edition
- The psychology of human-computer interaction
- Running a restaurant for dummies
- HTTP: The definitive guide
- Building ontoligies with Basic Formal Ontology
- Lean analytics
- The complete recipe writing guide
- Animal liberation
- The Giver
- Out of our heads
- Personality: What makes you the way you are
- The nature of code
- The nature of code, 2nd ed.
- Designing and engineering time
- A single shard
- Number the stars
- My robot gets me
- The phantom of the opera
- Mind is flat
- If I had your face: A novel
- Supersizing the mind
- Marx: A very short introduction
- Argumentation schemes for presumptive reasoning
- Working minds
- The shortest history of Israel and Palestine
- Content strategy for mobile
- Visual thinking for design
- 먹는 장사에 실패란 없다
- 골목식당 전쟁
- 공부하는 식당만이 살아남는다
- 피해와 가해의 페미니즘
- 시녀 이야기
- 페미니즘의 도전
- 82년생 김지영
- 우리에게도 계보가 있다
- 대한민국 넷페미사
- 말 놓을 용기
- 내 문장이 그렇게 이상한가요?
- 자신을 방어하기: 소수자들, 빼앗긴 폭력을 되찾다